Obstetrics and gynecology
At Swiss Medical MC Lodz we offer you consultations with respected gynecologists. Gynecology is a branch of medicine that deals with health of female reproductive system (uterus, vagina, ovaries) and the breasts. Our gynecologists are well-known specialists who have extensive experience not only in gynecology but also in obstetrics gained by working at hospital wards. Work experience and professionalism are guarantee of security of procedures preformed for our patients.
In our medical centre we also preform minor outpatient as well as more advanced procedures including a complete novelty – perineoplasty (plastic surgery of labia minora, postpartum scars, crotch scars).
Our specialist: MD Wojciech Puto
Appointments hours: Tuesday 14:30-18:30, Wednesday 14:30-16:30, Thursday 14:30-16:30
Our specialist: MD Shiar Agata Kassassir-Ćwiklak
Appointments hours: Friday 18:00-20:00
Our specialist: MD Magdalena Golanska
Appointments hours: Friday 18:00-20:00
Bookings: 42 209 30 50, 609 074 074