About us

Our medical center Swiss Medicus was established in 2013. The main goal of Swiss Medicus is to provide the highest quality service for our patients/customers. We know it all about the difficulties patients has to encounter using public health care: long queues, never-ending waiting lists, and unfriendly customer service… So we decided to offer the best alternative possible. We are able to book your appointment straight away (you can book it via email as well, if that’s a preference) and our doctors are among the finest/first-rate/leading/outstanding specialists in their given fields.
Our offer consists of a wide range of specializations. There is a gynecologist who provides all basic services including two types of Pap smear; traditional one and Liquid Based Cytology, abdominal, transvaginal and breast ultrasound. Of course we should not forget about expecting mothers. We offer an exquisite care for the whole length of pregnancy as well as prenatal screening/prenatal diagnosis (two different types of tests). As an additional help our orthopedic surgeon will examine your baby’s pelvis once it is born.
Thyroid ultrasound is available if you book a visit with our endocrinologist. We also do thyroid function test, which is designed to reveal any abnormalities in this crucial gland.
Our throat specialist will be very helpful if there is need for tonsils removal or if you would like to get some advice about problems such a snoring. We use state-of-the-art method called Coblation@ (controlled ablation). Swiss Medicus is the very best place to treat apnea. You can read more about it here.
Our urologist provides diagnosis of all urinary tract issues. We can help patients with problems such as: inflammation disease of kidneys, nephrolithiasis, prostatitis. In our laboratory we do hormonal PSA test and prostate gland ultrasound.
Our neurologist is here to help as well. As one of a very few medical centers in Poland Swiss Medicus offers VNG (videostymatography) that is a cutting-edge method to determine if a vestibular (inner ear) disease may be causing a balance or dizziness problem, and is one of the only tests available today that can decipher between unilateral (one ear) and bilateral (both ears) vestibular loss.
Patients suffering from heart disease or some other medical condition of cardiovascular character may use advice from our cardiologist. There is also a diabetologist who looks after our diabetic patients. Our dermatologist is here to help with all sorts of skin conditions. In case of allergic issues the dermatologist cooperates with an allergist.
Occupational medicine/health care is among our wide selection of services. Even if we are focused on an individual client we do not say ‘no’ to cooperation between Swiss Medicus and companies of all sizes.
Swiss Medicus is conveniently located in Lodz, 104/112 Franciszkanska Street. You can get here by bus (nr 57, 65, 65A) or tram (nr 3). There is also a manned car park for our customers in front of the building.
Swiss Medicus offers friendly atmosphere, helpful and competent staff, and modern but cozy décor of our offices. We guarantee you will not find a better place.
Come to Swiss Medicus and let us look after you. Your health is our highest priority.
News at Swiss Medicus
Blood and tumor markers tests health packages
Have your blood tests done and find out more about your health!
Prestigious Super Medicus Award for Swiss Medicus MC
WE WON!!!! And we are very proud of it.